I had the opportunity to surprise Jaymeson and his daughter with a very special video yesterday morning that brought them both to tears.
Jaymeson had a lot of videos and pictures of Jayah growing up, learning to walk, and learning to talk on his old blackberry phone. He no longer had the phone and had no way to get the pictures and videos off of his tiny little SIM card, which made him really sad that he would probably never be able to see them again.
After weeks of trying to figure out a way, I finally found someone (Justin Smith) who had the same phone that Jaymeson used to have, that could put the SIM card in and download all of the information for me.
After I looked at all the adorable little videos of Jayah, I decided I wanted to put together a special video to make him cry. (That was my goal... and it worked. haha)
Kristi Teshima and I worked on this video for weeks. We had a few other people help us gather more pictures and videos, and I secretly questioned Jaymeson about songs and sayings that meant things to him and Jayah until it slowly all came together and we had enough material to make a video.
I came over to Jaymeson's house early Saturday morning while he was still sleeping, stuck it into his DVD player and turned it on. He woke up to the sound of one of the lullabies he used to sing Jayah to sleep with and came out to see the video playing in the DVD player.
It was a very sweet moment for him, and I'm grateful I was able to capture and put together something special for him that he will have for the rest of his life.
Here it is: :)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tuesday the 30th
On to more serious thoughts...
For those of you who can't read that:
"The time you invest to deeply understand the people you love brings tremendous dividends in open communication. Many of the problems that plague families and marriages simply won't have time to fester and develop. The communication becomes so open that potential problems can be nipped in the bud."
My parents are divorced, I'm divorced, and because I'm divorced, a lot of people that I know are divorced.
This "Habit for Highly Effective People", I believe, could save marriages.
If you look back on all the relationships you know of, of people that are divorced... I bet communication was one of the top causes in their divorce. I know that when I first got divorced, a good friend of mine was preparing a lesson in Relief Society and she wanted to know my thoughts on "characteristics of successful relationships" and that was the first thing that popped into my head. Communication.
Now, Heaven knows my divorce was caused by much more than miscommunication, but I firmly believe that if we had communicated properly with each other, a lot could have been avoided.
In my relationships with my family, friends, roommates, people at work, and even with Jaymeson, I've noticed the difference in communicating issues and solutions when they come about, instead of letting them fester and blow up days later. It's ALWAYS a good thing, and it's probably saved a lot of my relationships with people.
I'm obviously not a pro at it, but I'm working on it. And I know and value the importance of it.
Just passing along some knowledge... :)

"The time you invest to deeply understand the people you love brings tremendous dividends in open communication. Many of the problems that plague families and marriages simply won't have time to fester and develop. The communication becomes so open that potential problems can be nipped in the bud."
My parents are divorced, I'm divorced, and because I'm divorced, a lot of people that I know are divorced.
This "Habit for Highly Effective People", I believe, could save marriages.
If you look back on all the relationships you know of, of people that are divorced... I bet communication was one of the top causes in their divorce. I know that when I first got divorced, a good friend of mine was preparing a lesson in Relief Society and she wanted to know my thoughts on "characteristics of successful relationships" and that was the first thing that popped into my head. Communication.
Now, Heaven knows my divorce was caused by much more than miscommunication, but I firmly believe that if we had communicated properly with each other, a lot could have been avoided.
In my relationships with my family, friends, roommates, people at work, and even with Jaymeson, I've noticed the difference in communicating issues and solutions when they come about, instead of letting them fester and blow up days later. It's ALWAYS a good thing, and it's probably saved a lot of my relationships with people.
I'm obviously not a pro at it, but I'm working on it. And I know and value the importance of it.
Just passing along some knowledge... :)
Friday, September 16, 2011
A dyslexic guy walks into a bra...
So I just downloaded an app that allows me to blog on my phone. I think that's amazing. So I'm taking this opportunity to find anything I can write about in my last 1/2 hour of work...
Hence the joke. (And no that is not a typo.)
PS. Don't tell my boss. :-O
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Bless the Broken Road.
Thank you to Rascal Flatts for inspiring this next blog post.
Jaymeson and I had the opportunity to go to a Rascal Flatts concert this weekend with some of our friends. (They were amazing, but that's besides the point.) We had a good time, we laughed, we sang, Brandon almost got beat up, and I won a huge beach ball from the radio station. :)
But I think the most important thing I (re)learned this weekend, was that everything happens for a reason.
While Rascal Flatts was singing their famous song "Bless the Broken Road", Brandon snapped this picture of us:
Jaymeson and I had the opportunity to go to a Rascal Flatts concert this weekend with some of our friends. (They were amazing, but that's besides the point.) We had a good time, we laughed, we sang, Brandon almost got beat up, and I won a huge beach ball from the radio station. :)
But I think the most important thing I (re)learned this weekend, was that everything happens for a reason.
While Rascal Flatts was singing their famous song "Bless the Broken Road", Brandon snapped this picture of us:
(Its obviously been photoshopped cuz I'm cheesy, ok?)
When I saw this picture, and heard the song, all I could think about was God really did bless my road. I've been hurt. Seriously hurt. By many men, family members, friends, lots of people. But everywhere I've been is exactly where I should have been. And everywhere I'm going has everything to do with the road God blessed me with. Looking back on all the pain, I wouldn't change it for the world.
I used to always tell myself and everyone else that Jon was an answer to my prayers. He magically appeared into my life right after I ended a very long and hurtful relationship. He swooped in and swept me off my feet, and because of him, I easily healed and moved on from that relationship when it otherwise could have been a very long and hard process. When I first got divorced, I spent a lot of time angry at that thought. How and why would God put Jonathan into my life to help me heal from my previous, devasting relationship and then turn around and hurt me worse?
Two reasons:
1. I did need Jonathan to help me heal from that relationship. But also, I believe the heartbreak of that previous relationship helped to prepare me for the hurt that would come from my marriage. Jon helped me heal from that relationship, and in turn he helped me to know how to heal from our relationship.
2. Jonathan led me to Jaymeson. Weird, right? Jaymeson and I know each other through a very twisted, complicated string of people. But without my marriage to Jon, I would never have known Jaymeson. And my broken road, has thus far, lead me to him.
I learned a lot down this long and crooked journey (Whoops, popped into Bachelor mode for a second. When does the next season start anyways?) that I've been on. I learned to love unconditionally, I learned to allow myself to cry (well, almost), I learned to be honest with myself, I learned to trust, I learned to be independent, I learned to give myself completely, and so many other qualities I hope to continue in all of my relationships. But most of all, I learned that God is with me the whole way.
I don't know where Jaymeson and I will go, but I do know that because of him I am a better person. And because of me, he is a better person. We fight and argue and bicker just like every other real relationship, but we also laugh and cry and dance and love together. We teach each other, we help each other, we have learned so much about ourselves and each other and relationships that if we do not end up together, we will be one hundred times more prepared for our "soul mate" (if you believe in those) than we would have been otherwise. We each are in the place that we need to be, and for what ever reason, we need each other now. And I'm grateful that my very broken road led me straight to him.
"It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true."
Saturday, September 3, 2011
My New Favorite Song
I live for music.
Jaymeson showed me this song this week and we both have been listening to it nonstop.
I guess I'll share :)
Enjoy. :)
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