"The time you invest to deeply understand the people you love brings tremendous dividends in open communication. Many of the problems that plague families and marriages simply won't have time to fester and develop. The communication becomes so open that potential problems can be nipped in the bud."
My parents are divorced, I'm divorced, and because I'm divorced, a lot of people that I know are divorced.
This "Habit for Highly Effective People", I believe, could save marriages.
If you look back on all the relationships you know of, of people that are divorced... I bet communication was one of the top causes in their divorce. I know that when I first got divorced, a good friend of mine was preparing a lesson in Relief Society and she wanted to know my thoughts on "characteristics of successful relationships" and that was the first thing that popped into my head. Communication.
Now, Heaven knows my divorce was caused by much more than miscommunication, but I firmly believe that if we had communicated properly with each other, a lot could have been avoided.
In my relationships with my family, friends, roommates, people at work, and even with Jaymeson, I've noticed the difference in communicating issues and solutions when they come about, instead of letting them fester and blow up days later. It's ALWAYS a good thing, and it's probably saved a lot of my relationships with people.
I'm obviously not a pro at it, but I'm working on it. And I know and value the importance of it.
Just passing along some knowledge... :)
This is so true. I was given the advice at my wedding to never go to bed angry. Harrison and I make sure to talk out everything when it is an issue (even though I don't usually like to because I am stubborn like that) but it has made a difference in our relationship. I am glad to know that you and Jaymeson do this also. I love you and miss you tons!