Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with


 Beautiful, isn't she?

is Raven, 

But before Andy,
was THIS...

And this...

And this...

 And this...

And this...

And this...

And this...

And this...

And this...

And this...

And this...

And this...

And now this...

Raven and I have been through EVERYTHING.


Boyfriends, Each other's boyfriends, Sneaking out, Getting grounded, Sleepovers, Grey's Anatomy, LOST, Freschetta Pizza, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream, Goldfish, Mooshie (or taco), Proms, Homecomings, Church, School, First cars, First loves, Break ups, Forever 21, Barney, CDs, Stealing each other's clothes, Sisters, Fake nails, Black hair, College, Road trips, Make up, and so so much more.

I know this post was supposed to be about the "messed up" things we have done together. But those are our little secrets :)

I love you Raven Marie Moesser. I'm so happy to have you in my life. I don't know where I'd be without you, besides less trouble in high school. ;) I'm excited for our futures, and I hope we have an eternity of friendship ahead of us. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Quote.

 A quote to learn to live by...

I found this quote on my cousin Andra's blog.

It was especially needed today. I'm at a time in my life 
where I'm rediscovering myself.

Wait, didn't I just do this?

Apparently, it's a never ending process in the life of Heather Sampson.

I'm probably going to post this quote on my mirror, along with many other inspiration quotes and goals, so that I can be reminded every day to 
change the way I think about things.

I'm going to teach myself to let go of the little things.
To recognize when things are just fine the way that they are.
And to remember that it's ok to change my mind.

With this quote from my wonderful cousin, comes this other quote that I love.

Some call it the Serenity Prayer.

If you have a chance, listen to that link. It's beautiful, and the video has lots of beautiful messages.

Anyways, off I go again, trying to take things day at a time. (so far... no good. haha)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 9 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

I have some of the best friends any girl could ever ask for.


This particular award, was a toss up, but I have other plans for Raven...

So the WINNER is....

Jessie Lynn Smith

Jessie is my best friend, my companion, my confidant, my soul mate, and my sister.

It is not a lie when I say that she has gotten me through EVERYTHING.

I have only known Jessie for about 2 1/2 years, but those 2 1/2 years have been probably the hardest I've ever had in my life, and she has been there every step of the way, even when it became difficult for her.

I could not ask for a more perfect friend for me than her.

Jessie, you are the most loving, caring, helpful, genuine, beautiful, smart, and good hearted person that I know. I am so grateful to have you in my life, and I can't imagine my life without you in it! I hope you know how much I love you, and I hope that we are friends forever. And that someday, when I am married, you and Justin can be great, lifelong friends of me and my husband. You are amazing, and an inspiration to me! I love you so much, Jess!

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with... Cue Raven. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 8 - A picture that makes you laugh.

This picture needs no explanation.

Taken 3/11/11

Please note the score at the bottom left hand side of the screen.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 7 - A picture of your most treasured item

My Journal.
I LOVE having a journal.

My whole life, I've never been much of a journal writer, but about 6 months ago, I was going through a really hard time, and my amazing roommates bought me one and encouraged me to write in it. It was so helpful, and I love it, and I seriously am upset that I haven't been writing in one my whole life!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 6 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

This was hard for me.

I wanted to say some kind of celebrity, but really? How boring would that be?

So then I thought I wanted to say some kind of a millionaire so I could have anything I wanted. That might be cool, but I don't want to waste this one wish on something like that.

So then I decided on...

a kid.

I don't know this kid, but she's pretty dang cute.

I've decided recently that I miss being a kid.

I miss being innocent and naive, without a care in the world. How fun would it be to find happiness in the littlest things again?

I feel like I spent most of my life growing up way too fast. I always wanted to be Miss Independent and a lot older than I actually was, taking on way too much responsibility. I didn't ever seem to stop and enjoy what it was actually like to be a kid. I don't even remember being a kid for the most part. I think I still struggle with that.

Just stop and smell the roses, Heather.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Something different.

I'm going to step away from the 30 day challenge for a minute...

Mostly because I can't figure out who the heck I'd want to switch places with for a day.

But also because of this picture...

This picture has been giving me some inspiration lately.

It's even currently the background on my phone.

These balloons have been in my house for over three weeks.

Three of them are from my roommate, Ariel's, birthday on February 13th. The other ten are from a very special boy on Valentines Day, who sent them, with flowers, to my work. :)

For some reason, that one balloon that still lives on, touches my heart. I feel like a freak saying that, but it really does. Every time I see it, I feel this small glimmer of hope.

I feel like this balloon symbolizes a few things.

One of those things being the strength that I've had to get through in the last year of my life, when I think that others in my situation wouldn't have. I feel extremely blessed to have come out of the last year with the attitude and experiences that I've had. I wouldn't change it for the world. I've learned so much about myself, and relationships, and my future, and I'm definitely 15 steps ahead of where I used to be.

Another thing, having the strength to stand strong and firm in what I believe, when others around me do not. I feel like this isn't something that I've ever struggled with. I've always known what was right for me, and what I wanted to do, and it's never been hard for me to stick to those values. I'm so grateful to have that strength as well.

And the last thing, standing out. Have you seen the motivational poster of all the blue balloons in the sky, and one of the balloons is yellow? I tried to find that picture, but I didn't have any luck. When I see this picture of my balloons, that's what I think about. Standing out and being different. That's one of my favorite things. I love to be different. I love not following the crowd, or following fads, and being different. I'm definitely not that different, but you can tell... at least a little bit. And I like it that way. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 5 - A picture of your favorite memory

Remember how I have a terrible memory?


After trying to review my brain to remember a favorite memory--
I've settled on my 9th Birthday. December 30, 1997.

My dad is a cool guy. He's been in rock bands and country bands my whole life.
While my mom was pregnant with me, his band
(High Velocity, right Dad?) was on tour in Galveston, TX.
My mom went out to visit him, and while she was there, went into labor.

This picture is from a special trip I got to take with just my dad, back to Galveston.

Geez, look how nerdy I was.

I had never been there before, besides for a few days
in the hospital after I was born.
My dad and I went down that direction for a funeral
of one of his family members.
I think it was one of his uncles, or something.

On the way back, we spent a couple days in Galveston.
My dad showed me around everywhere.
We rode the trolley, he took me to the beach,
we toured the ship that I'm named after, The Elissa.
We rode the ferry, and watched for dolphins.

Speaking of riding the ferry... this picture is hilarious!

This is me being scared of the seagulls on the ferry. Haha!

That was an awesome trip. It was one of the few times I got to spend
with just my dad, and I loved every second of it!

P.S. My dad is a nut.

On the way home from Galveston, I remember that he
got pulled over while I was sleeping.
When he stopped, it woke me up, and I asked him
what we were doing, and he told me that
the cop just wanted to stop by and say hello.

Thanks Dad. Haha!

Day 6 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 4 - A picture of your night.

Well, my night consisted of 

this guy

and this girl

cafe rio


and a rose.

I could definitely get used to this. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 3 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

I love tv series. I usually get into one or two and watch them completely and then move on to the next. I've watch all of LOST, 24, Glee, The Bachelor, The Office, and I'm sure a few others. 

BUT.. this one is my favorite....

Greys Anatomy

i LOVE this show.

I think they are in Season 7 now? I started watching it about 2 years ago. I got all of the seasons on Netflix and watched it faithfully, until I caught up with the live showings during Season 6. It comes on Thurdays nights, and I'm usually busy so I just end up watching it online later on. Hulu is amazing.

If any of you haven't seen the season finale to Season 6, you need to pause whatever you are doing, and do it right now. It's worth it, I promise!

What's next? Day 4 - A picture of your night.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Well, this was a tough one. I've moved around A LOT throughout my life, so I don't have any childhood friends that I've stayed extrememly close with... so I'd have to say my sister!

Britta Marie Lively :)

It is really sad, and absolutely not okay that this is the only picture on facebook that we have together. Something needs to be done about this...

My sister has been my everything. She's obviously known me since the day I was born, but she's been my best friend since. All growing up, I looked up to her so much. I always wanted to be just like her. When she played the clarinet, I wanted to play the clarinet. When she wanted to be a pediatrician, I wanted to be a pediatrician. When she wanted to go to Texas A&M, I wanted to go to Texas A&M. When she did colorguard, I wanted to do colorguard. She liked squirrels, and the color blue, and pearls, and the scent of vanilla, so I liked all of those things as well. I was probably the most annoying little sister in the world, always stealing her make up, and clothes, and nail polish, but she loved me anyways :) We shared a room my whole life until she graduated high school and went off to school at Texas A&M. I remember when she got married, as her and her husband drove away from their reception, I ran after her car crying because I didn't think she'd be my sister anymore. (I was 10, ok?)

Britta and I are as different as they come. From things we like to do, believe, think, feel, eat, sleep, drink, everything. But she will always be my sister :) And I love her more than life itself! I wish I lived closer to her and the cutest niece ever...

Allison Tennille

...but I don't. Maybe someday? Hopefully!

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Well hello!

Well, I've been wanting to start my own blog for a while, but never did because I didn't know what I'd write about. I keep a pretty consistent journal that I mostly fill with things I've learned about myself, and about the world. So I think that's where I'll start :)

One of my best friends, Stephanie, is doing a 30 Day Facebook Challenge on her blog that I like to read. So let's start there :)

Day 1: A picture of yourself and 10 facts:

1. I love the color yellow. Seriously, I would have everything yellow if it was allowed. It's different, and cute, and happy, and that's why I like it!

2. I've had a full time job since I was 15 years old. I started out sacking groceries at Kroger, then worked my way up in the employment food chain. I worked at Fuddruckers cashiering and prepping food, Head Cashiering at Forever 21, Rec Sports Manager for BYUI, then Events Coordinator for BYUI, Office Secretary for a security company, and now I'm a Hearing Manager for a Disability Law Firm. Big time upgrade. Geez, that sounds like a lot of jobs to have in 7 years.

3. I clean when I'm nervous, mad, sad, upset, stressed, anything. I LOVE being clean and living in a clean house, and cleaning definitely helps to relieve my stress. Except laundry. I HATE laundry.

4. Cooking stresses me out. I hardly ever cook. I don't really know how to explain what the thought of cooking a meal does to me. It seems so difficult to me to be able to have everything you need in your house to make a complete meal, and then knowing what to cook!? Putting things together to make a meal!? Oh man.. I can't even think about it.

5. I'm a list maker and a planner. I always have to-do lists, and I use planners like nobodys business. If I don't, chances are I'm going to forget it.

6. Speaking of forgetting. Did I ever tell you that I have the worst memory on the planet? I'm actually starting to worry about it. No joke.

7. I've never been anywhere. Not entirely true, but close. I've lived my whole life in Texas until I was 19 years old, with an exception of 4 years where my family was in Oklahoma. I moved to Rexburg when I was 19 for a year, and I've been in Utah since (2 years). I've been to California twice for a few days, and Washington DC once for a few days. But that's it. Man, I need to get out!

8. I always eat from the outside, in. Essentially, I eat in a circle. For example, if I'm eating a sandwich, I will start at the crust, and finish in the middle. Save the best for last, right?

9. I always put the shopping carts in their bins after I'm done unloading my groceries.

10. I have a weakness for chocolate chip cookies, and for milk. I'm currently off milk though. Don't ask, it's caused lots of controversy.

What's to come next? Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.