Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

Ugh. Can I just skip this one, please?

There are several directions I could go for this one, 
but without getting too deep 
and wayyy too personal, I think I'll go with my butt. 

photo by: Raven Marie Moesser

This is a photo of the behinds of 
Sarah Fischbuch (left), me (middle), and Ariel Barratt (right).

This picture was taken in September 
when I happened to be extremely skinny, 
so it's actually a flattering picture of my butt, 
and not at all what it currently looks like.
Try not to be deceived.

My friend Brad would laugh at my for writing this, but...
 Butts are weird. Seriously. I don't even get what makes a butt attractive.
They jiggle, and bounce, and are only good for one thing.
So, what's the big deal?

Feel free to enlighten me.

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

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