Wednesday, November 16, 2011

They call it love.

We are all a little weird

and life's a little weird

and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours

we join up with them and fall into mutual weirdness

and call it love.
-Dr. Seuss

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The other day I was talking to Jaymeson about a certain person who I claimed I would wish bad things on. (I wouldn't really wish bad things on this person, but sometimes it's fun to think about... haha.) He laughed and said that he thought that if anyone, it should be my ex, because he ruined my life. My immediate response to this was, "No, he didn't. He made it so much better!" And that he did.

My heart was definitely broken into a hundred pieces a year and a half ago when Jon decided he wanted a divorce, out of nowhere, and for no significant reason. I didn't know where I was going to go or what I was going to do with my life next, and I definitely didn't want to do it alone. But let's be honest... I'm pretty sure I fought the divorce so hard because of the embarrassment of being divorced. Especially after one short year of marriage.

Today my best friend Stephanie (that I miss SO much) found a quote that she wished she had expressed to Jon before our divorce. You see, Stephanie and her husband Jonny, were mine and Jon's BEST FRIENDS. We did everything with them, and I think besides our families, they were hurt the worst by our divorce. The quote said "Sometimes you make the right decision, and sometimes you make the decision right." When she said that to me, my instant thought was exactly what I had expressed to Jaymeson. That was the right decision... at least for me.

Now, I don't agree with divorce, to ANY degree. And this might make some people pretty upset. Jon made a stupid choice. But his stupid choice, allowed me to have a second chance at happiness, at finding myself, at finding that person I really do want to spend eternity with. And for THAT, I am grateful. I am so happy where I am in my life, and I know, without a doubt, that I never would have gotten there with Jon. Yea, Jon and I could have made it work, and given the chance, I would have done everything I could to make that marriage work. But I never would have been genuinely happy, like I am now. And for that reason, I agree with OUR divorce. 

With that said, I am currently going through a second divorce. What's that, you say? Yes. A Temple Divorce
I apologize in advance for all the Mormon jargon that's about to get tossed around. If you have questions, feel free to ask.  
My ex is getting married, and although we all know that a "sealing clearance" should be asked for... it is what it is, and I'm happy it's being done now instead of later.

Everyone's always told me that once the sealing was cancelled, it was gonna be like getting divorced all over again. And to be honest, for a split second, when I mailed my letter off to The First Presidency of the Church, I thought "Crap, I'm not going to be sealed anymore." But because I have great faith in Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ, I know that even if something happens to me, it will all work out for my good. The official cancellation hasn't gone through yet, and probably won't for some time, and it might be sad for me for a second...
(**Disclaimer** Not BY ANY MEANS (despite some belief) because of any feelings towards Jon, whatsoever. Just because of the sacredness of something like that being taken so lightly by someone I chose as my life partner, finally coming to an end.)
...but I know that once it is final, I will forever be free, with no connection whatsoever, to that part of my life again. Can I get an AMEN!? Luckily, Jon and I were smart and completely separated everything, and I mean everything we had and did when we separated. (For that, I am also grateful.) So once this is over, I literally won't have to deal with or associate with my ex-spouse for the rest of my life, even over little things. I feel sorry for those that do.

I am happy to say that I have ZERO regrets about my divorce. I never once made any rash decisions, or acted on impulse. I thought everything out completely and clearly before I made any decisions. And even when it was hard, and even when he didn't, I remained fiercely loyal to the person that I made a marriage commitment to. I know that Heavenly Father is proud of me for the choices that I have made, and will continue to be proud of me for the choices that I am choosing to make.

I love my life! :)