Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 6 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

This was hard for me.

I wanted to say some kind of celebrity, but really? How boring would that be?

So then I thought I wanted to say some kind of a millionaire so I could have anything I wanted. That might be cool, but I don't want to waste this one wish on something like that.

So then I decided on...

a kid.

I don't know this kid, but she's pretty dang cute.

I've decided recently that I miss being a kid.

I miss being innocent and naive, without a care in the world. How fun would it be to find happiness in the littlest things again?

I feel like I spent most of my life growing up way too fast. I always wanted to be Miss Independent and a lot older than I actually was, taking on way too much responsibility. I didn't ever seem to stop and enjoy what it was actually like to be a kid. I don't even remember being a kid for the most part. I think I still struggle with that.

Just stop and smell the roses, Heather.


1 comment:

  1. Good choice! That little girl kinda looks like what I imagine Jayah will look like when she is older.
