For those who don't know, I am currently in a relationship with a wonderful man named Jaymeson. Our relationship has been full of ups and downs, and several unwanted and unnecessary circumstances and difficulties, but overall, it's all been worth it.
Because of my past relationships, I have lots of insecurities and a lot of those insecurities seem to bring me down and make me over think a lot of the things that I experience with Jaymeson.
The other day, I heard a song on the radio that made me feel a particular insecurity and it brought me down. (It's stupid how the littlest things can ruin a whole day.) Jaymeson, being the mind reader that he is, immediately could tell something was wrong. Now, since I'm a girl, and a stupid one sometimes, I try to hide it and pretend like nothing is wrong half of the time, but I also have this weird need to clean and organize things when I'm upset, so it becomes obvious. I went about cleaning my purse, folding random clothes on the floor, etc, and then I just got so overwhelmed with the way that I felt, that I just plopped myself down on the bed and began to think. My mind was running on one million miles an hour when I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself. I forced myself up off the bed and into the kitchen. I proceeded to pull a bowl and spoon out of the dirty dishes in the dishwasher to clean them so that I could eat some cereal (it's my favorite, ok?) when Jaymeson walked up behind me and grabbed me and gave me the softest, sweetest hug I've ever had in my life. Then he grabbed my face, looked me right in the eyes, and said something along the lines of, "I don't want to be with anyone but you." Then he took the bowl and spoon from my hands and started to wash them for me. My eyes filled with tears as I watched him simply, and gently wash those two dishes for me so that I wouldn't have to.
Two thoughts entered my mind.
The first being Christ, washing the feet of the disciples found in John 13. I pictured Christ gently washing the feet of His disciples, even Simon Peter who He knew would betray Him. I thought, how amazing can Christ be, first to be Christ, a perfect being, washing the feet of those who were not perfect, but then to be Christ, washing the feet of a man who He knew would betray Him. He didn't need to do it, but He did it to show them that He loved them, and to be an example to them.
And the second was service. Service seems to have been brought up in a lot of my more meaningful conversations lately. I've thought a lot about it, and about how when you serve someone, you learn to love them. And the more you serve, the more your love grows. Even the smallest things, like washing a bowl and a spoon.
I'm grateful for that small and simple experience that I had with Jaymeson. It touched my heart, and definitely made for a sweet memory, as well as strengthened my testimony of service and love.
Thank you Jaymeson.
Now, let's go catch some fish!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Are you ready for this?!
This picture was taken at a friend's birthday party back in December. Hilarious, huh?
I love dancing. Clearly, I'm terrible at it. That's plainly obvious just by one glance at that picture. But nevertheless, I love it.
Music is my life.
Jaymeson always jokes about how I can't do anything without music. It's so true, I shower with music on, I do the dishes with music on, I never turn the radio off in my car, I work with my iPod in my ears, I listen to music every second I can.
My most favorite memories while I was in high school consist of driving around town with the windows down and music blaring with my best friends. And my most favorite memories even now, are driving around town with Jaymeson or my roommates listening to Chris Brown or the Zac Brown Band and singing and dancing like maniacs with the windows down.
There was a moment last Summer where me and a few friends were having a tiny BBQ on the roof of his apartment complex. While we were setting up, I was walking around with the speakers on my shoulder listening to music. At that moment I realized, how amazing it would be to literally have a live soundtrack to your life? I would LOVE that!
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss
This picture was taken at a friend's birthday party back in December. Hilarious, huh?
I love dancing. Clearly, I'm terrible at it. That's plainly obvious just by one glance at that picture. But nevertheless, I love it.
Music is my life.
Jaymeson always jokes about how I can't do anything without music. It's so true, I shower with music on, I do the dishes with music on, I never turn the radio off in my car, I work with my iPod in my ears, I listen to music every second I can.
My most favorite memories while I was in high school consist of driving around town with the windows down and music blaring with my best friends. And my most favorite memories even now, are driving around town with Jaymeson or my roommates listening to Chris Brown or the Zac Brown Band and singing and dancing like maniacs with the windows down.
There was a moment last Summer where me and a few friends were having a tiny BBQ on the roof of his apartment complex. While we were setting up, I was walking around with the speakers on my shoulder listening to music. At that moment I realized, how amazing it would be to literally have a live soundtrack to your life? I would LOVE that!
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
I'm afraid of everything. No joke.
So... we'll do a little montage. Well, the opposite of a montage actually.
I honestly don't know where this one came from. But lately, like the last 4-5 months, I've noticed it. Jaymeson and I have found countless spiders in that dirty, old, condo he was living in. One time, I was at the condo waiting for him to get off work, and of course it took longer than expected, and I spotted a spider from across the room. It was HUGE, and black, and had white spots on it's butt. Of course, I freaked out and called him and told him to hurry home. He then preceded to freak me out by telling me not to go anywhere near a spider that looked like that. So. I stood. In the middle of his living room for at least an hour, staring down the spider and watching it's every move until Jaymeson came home. Once he got there, he took one look at it, grabbed a glass from the kitchen and claimed that he could see the babies in the spider's stomach and felt bad, so he took it outside and let it go. I would have preferred he just killed it, but don't tell him I said that.
This is slightly random. I remember the day this fear developed. I was 14 years old, and we had just moved into our home in Kingwood. For those of you who know anything about Texas, particularly near the coast... there are MILLIONS of lizards. It's ridiculous. So we were moving all of our furniture into the house, and my sister and I were working on the entertainment center in the downstairs living room. For some reason, I looked behind it and noticed that there was a lizard just hanging out back there. I wanted to get it out. So I used the cords that were back there to try to scare it out. Apparently I hit the lizard with the cord because next thing I knew, the lizard had ran away and its TAIL was still there... WIGGLING. I had no idea!! It was disgusting! And from that moment on, I have been scared of lizards. I can't even tell you how many times I found lizards in my room, in the shower with me, in my car, everywhere! And they change colors too. Sneaky little buggers.
These next 3 kind of all fall under the same category: The Unknown.
First, we have Dark Water
I will not go in any water that I cannot see through. There's no freaking way I'm going swimming in a lake where I have no idea what is swimming around me and touching me. Not to mention, that I DEFINITELY won't touch the ground in anything other the clear water without my booties on. I can't handle it.
Next, we have Windows. At night.
Windows freak me out. I'll spare you the same fear of windows by not telling you the story that started this... but I want you to just imagine a cold, rainy night, walking up to the window to look outside, pressing your face and hands up against the glass (because that's the only way to see out of windows at night), and just as your face hits that glass, you meet eyes with a strange man on the other side of the window who has his face pressed up against the window trying to look inside. Yikes.
And last, but definitely not least... Masks....
FREAK ME OUT. I absolutely love haunted houses and scary movies and the thrill of being scared, but I cannot stand masks. I hate not knowing who's on the other side. I'll leave it at that.
On a more serious note... not being able to get pregnant.
I don't really know why, but I have always had this fear that I wouldn't be able to have children of my own. I have pretty strange periods, and have had problems with ovarian cysts in the past, and it would be just my luck to not be able to have children of my own. All I want is just to hold my babies and to watch them grow and see what they'll look like. I can only imagine how it would feel to love your own child. Luckily, if this is the case for me, I am already ready and excited to adopt children. In fact, I plan on adopting children anyways after I'm done having my own. So maybe it won't be so bad. I just know that I get the best feeling ever when I think about my children looking down on me in Heaven, just waiting for me to be ready for them to join me on Earth. I can't wait! :)
Up next! Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
So... we'll do a little montage. Well, the opposite of a montage actually.
I honestly don't know where this one came from. But lately, like the last 4-5 months, I've noticed it. Jaymeson and I have found countless spiders in that dirty, old, condo he was living in. One time, I was at the condo waiting for him to get off work, and of course it took longer than expected, and I spotted a spider from across the room. It was HUGE, and black, and had white spots on it's butt. Of course, I freaked out and called him and told him to hurry home. He then preceded to freak me out by telling me not to go anywhere near a spider that looked like that. So. I stood. In the middle of his living room for at least an hour, staring down the spider and watching it's every move until Jaymeson came home. Once he got there, he took one look at it, grabbed a glass from the kitchen and claimed that he could see the babies in the spider's stomach and felt bad, so he took it outside and let it go. I would have preferred he just killed it, but don't tell him I said that.

These next 3 kind of all fall under the same category: The Unknown.
First, we have Dark Water

Next, we have Windows. At night.
Windows freak me out. I'll spare you the same fear of windows by not telling you the story that started this... but I want you to just imagine a cold, rainy night, walking up to the window to look outside, pressing your face and hands up against the glass (because that's the only way to see out of windows at night), and just as your face hits that glass, you meet eyes with a strange man on the other side of the window who has his face pressed up against the window trying to look inside. Yikes.
And last, but definitely not least... Masks....
FREAK ME OUT. I absolutely love haunted houses and scary movies and the thrill of being scared, but I cannot stand masks. I hate not knowing who's on the other side. I'll leave it at that.
On a more serious note... not being able to get pregnant.
I don't really know why, but I have always had this fear that I wouldn't be able to have children of my own. I have pretty strange periods, and have had problems with ovarian cysts in the past, and it would be just my luck to not be able to have children of my own. All I want is just to hold my babies and to watch them grow and see what they'll look like. I can only imagine how it would feel to love your own child. Luckily, if this is the case for me, I am already ready and excited to adopt children. In fact, I plan on adopting children anyways after I'm done having my own. So maybe it won't be so bad. I just know that I get the best feeling ever when I think about my children looking down on me in Heaven, just waiting for me to be ready for them to join me on Earth. I can't wait! :)
Up next! Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Day 27- A picture of you and a family member.
This blog post is a special dedication to my dad.
(a little premature Father's Day gift)
John Thomas Sampson Jr.
My dad is super cool.
He was a rock star when I was born. Literally.
He quit being a rock star just after I was born so he could have a more normal life for his first daughter. Nevermind that I'm also the favorite... right Dad?
Once I was old enough to start kicking a ball, he started coaching my soccer teams. He coached me from age 4 all the way to age 17.
But before I played soccer, he let me have my fun in dance classes, gymnastics, softball, basketball, and pretty much any sport you can imagine before I finally decided soccer was my favorite.
We sang karaoke together for as long as I can remember. We even danced to our favorite karaoke song "Somewhere Out There" at my wedding.
He took me to every "take your daughter to work" Day activity.
We went on several Daddy/Daughter campouts, as well as Daddy/Daughter dances.
He came to every single one of my choir concerts, and various other extra curricular activities that I was involved in throughout my life.
He taught me to be a hard worker. Because of him, I have the abilities I need to manage a large caseload at a Disability Law Firm at such a young age.
He always knows what to say. He can easily remind me why I'm on the path that I've chosen in my life, and help me remember why I chose it.
My dad and I haven't always had the best relationship. We had our ups and downs just like every relationship out there, but he's always been there when I needed him the most. We grew closer when I flew off to Idaho over 3 years ago to live on my own and start college. But even then, the last year we have grown closer than I ever would have thought. I get at least one text from him daily just to see what I'm up to, or more than like just to make sure I'm still alive. I talk to my dad several times a week, and he's the first person I think to call when I need advice or just to vent about anything and everything.
I know he misses me a lot, and I definitely miss him too. He asks me pretty much weekly when I'm going to move back home, but luckily he understands that this is where I'm supposed to be. For the time being at least. :)
Because of my relationship with Jaymeson, I have the opportunity of watching his relationship with Jayah, and it has reminded me a lot about when I was a little kid. Jaymeson is Jayah's hero. He is her prince. She talks about how he's the only boy she ever wants to kiss and how she's going to marry him someday. It's adorable. And I remember being that way. Jaymeson tells me often how much it means to him when Jayah wants to cuddle up next to him and watch a movie, and how he hopes that when Jayah is older, she'll always want to sit in his lap and snuggle up to him on the couch. My dad was my hero, he was my prince, and he was the only boy I wanted to marry or kiss. But now that I'm older and have learned that it's really... not normal to actually marry my dad, I still hope that he knows that I will always want to cuddle up next to him on the couch and watch a movie.
Speaking on my dad... he's calling right now. :)
Anyways, I love you Dad! Don't ever forget it!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Gosh. I don't know!
I'm trying to imagine, if my house burned down, what would be the one thing I'd want to make sure I got out of the burning house...
I seriously can't think of anything!?
I'm on the phone with Jaymeson right now, trying to figure something out and he kindly reminded me that the thing that means the most to me is.... him. (haha, clever babe)
But then he reminded me of my major.
Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Social Work.
I LOVE helping people.
Seriously, if there's one thing in the world that I do too much of, it's helping people.
Too much helping people? What?
What I mean by that is, I spend a lot (too much) of my time worrying about everyone else, and not enough time worrying about myself.
There are so many dreams I want to accomplish with my degree in Behavioral Science.
I want to adopt, I want to save children's lives, I want to own a home that children will go to when they are taken from their broken homes and help them get back on their feet and live the life they always dreamed of, I want to help make broken children's dreams come true.
Sometimes I wonder where this whole Social Work desire started. I honestly can't think of a specific time. My mom and sisters always tell me that I always side with the under-dog. And I think they're right. I like to help people who can't help themselves. It brings me some serious joy when I see someone overcoming their worst fears or making their dreams come true.
So I say, let's get out there and make some dreams come true!
Who's with me?!
Day 27- A picture of you and a family member.
I'm trying to imagine, if my house burned down, what would be the one thing I'd want to make sure I got out of the burning house...
I seriously can't think of anything!?
I'm on the phone with Jaymeson right now, trying to figure something out and he kindly reminded me that the thing that means the most to me is.... him. (haha, clever babe)
But then he reminded me of my major.
Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Social Work.
I LOVE helping people.
Seriously, if there's one thing in the world that I do too much of, it's helping people.
Too much helping people? What?
What I mean by that is, I spend a lot (too much) of my time worrying about everyone else, and not enough time worrying about myself.
There are so many dreams I want to accomplish with my degree in Behavioral Science.
I want to adopt, I want to save children's lives, I want to own a home that children will go to when they are taken from their broken homes and help them get back on their feet and live the life they always dreamed of, I want to help make broken children's dreams come true.
Sometimes I wonder where this whole Social Work desire started. I honestly can't think of a specific time. My mom and sisters always tell me that I always side with the under-dog. And I think they're right. I like to help people who can't help themselves. It brings me some serious joy when I see someone overcoming their worst fears or making their dreams come true.
So I say, let's get out there and make some dreams come true!
Who's with me?!
Day 27- A picture of you and a family member.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Day 25 - A picture of your day
Well, since today has been especially boring, and all I've done so far is work... I think I'll talk about what a normal day for me feels like.
Wake up
Get ready
Drive to work
And work some more
Talk to Jaymeson
Wander around the office a little bit
Talk to Jaymeson some more
Wander some more
Drive home from work
I snack on a few things here and there too.
But that's pretty much what every day in the life of Heather Sampson consists of. Every once in a while there are a few extra things, like grocery shopping, getting gas, writing in my blog and/or journal, talking to my dad on the phone, or cooking dinner/doing laundry for the above mentioned boy. But mostly it consists of 6-8 hours of work work work, and then a few hours of laughter, conversation, and maybe a movie with Jaymeson.
Here's a picture of us! :)
Isn't he so handsome? I am one lucky girl. :)
Here are a few things I love about Jaymeson...
-He can ALWAYS make me laugh.
-He's a very hard worker. He spends most of his time working 40+ hour weeks, doing hard, manual labor. And he doesn't even complain about it!
-He's the most non-judgmental person that I know. He's taught me a lot about what it's like to loosen up and understand that others may think differently than I do.
-He's so smart! I learn the most random, useful things from him every single day. Like, did you know that cows will lie down when it's going to rain? (haha)
-He does THE cutest things. (ie, random dance moves, bursts into song, perfect impressions of anyone and everyone you can think of, etc.)
-He's so passionate about things he likes, such as fish, plants, pit bulls, music, etc.
-He loves his daughter more than anything in the world. (Plus, she's super cute too!)
-He takes longer to get ready every day than I spend in the shower in a week, and I spend a lot of time in the shower in a week. (Ok, so most of the time it annoys me, but I love that I know, no matter what, he's going to be an hour late.)
-His laugh when I tickle him.
-The way he looks at me when he thinks I've done something really cute.
-The fact that he is the most genuine and trustworthy person that I know.
Wow, I just realized how super cheesy this post is. Haha, well, hopefully it embarrasses him, at least a little bit. :)
P.S. If any of you see him, will you remind him how handsome he looks... WITHOUT a beard? I miss his face, literally. ;)
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Wake up
Get ready
Drive to work
And work some more
Talk to Jaymeson
Wander around the office a little bit
Talk to Jaymeson some more
Wander some more
Drive home from work
I snack on a few things here and there too.
But that's pretty much what every day in the life of Heather Sampson consists of. Every once in a while there are a few extra things, like grocery shopping, getting gas, writing in my blog and/or journal, talking to my dad on the phone, or cooking dinner/doing laundry for the above mentioned boy. But mostly it consists of 6-8 hours of work work work, and then a few hours of laughter, conversation, and maybe a movie with Jaymeson.
Here's a picture of us! :)
Isn't he so handsome? I am one lucky girl. :)
Here are a few things I love about Jaymeson...
-He can ALWAYS make me laugh.
-He's a very hard worker. He spends most of his time working 40+ hour weeks, doing hard, manual labor. And he doesn't even complain about it!
-He's the most non-judgmental person that I know. He's taught me a lot about what it's like to loosen up and understand that others may think differently than I do.
-He's so smart! I learn the most random, useful things from him every single day. Like, did you know that cows will lie down when it's going to rain? (haha)
-He does THE cutest things. (ie, random dance moves, bursts into song, perfect impressions of anyone and everyone you can think of, etc.)
-He's so passionate about things he likes, such as fish, plants, pit bulls, music, etc.
-He loves his daughter more than anything in the world. (Plus, she's super cute too!)
-He takes longer to get ready every day than I spend in the shower in a week, and I spend a lot of time in the shower in a week. (Ok, so most of the time it annoys me, but I love that I know, no matter what, he's going to be an hour late.)
-His laugh when I tickle him.
-The way he looks at me when he thinks I've done something really cute.
-The fact that he is the most genuine and trustworthy person that I know.
Wow, I just realized how super cheesy this post is. Haha, well, hopefully it embarrasses him, at least a little bit. :)
P.S. If any of you see him, will you remind him how handsome he looks... WITHOUT a beard? I miss his face, literally. ;)
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
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