Well, since today has been especially boring, and all I've done so far is work... I think I'll talk about what a normal day for me feels like.
Wake up
Get ready
Drive to work
And work some more
Talk to Jaymeson
Wander around the office a little bit
Talk to Jaymeson some more
Wander some more
Drive home from work
I snack on a few things here and there too.
But that's pretty much what every day in the life of Heather Sampson consists of. Every once in a while there are a few extra things, like grocery shopping, getting gas, writing in my blog and/or journal, talking to my dad on the phone, or cooking dinner/doing laundry for the above mentioned boy. But mostly it consists of 6-8 hours of work work work, and then a few hours of laughter, conversation, and maybe a movie with Jaymeson.
Here's a picture of us! :)
Isn't he so handsome? I am one lucky girl. :)
Here are a few things I love about Jaymeson...
-He can ALWAYS make me laugh.
-He's a very hard worker. He spends most of his time working 40+ hour weeks, doing hard, manual labor. And he doesn't even complain about it!
-He's the most non-judgmental person that I know. He's taught me a lot about what it's like to loosen up and understand that others may think differently than I do.
-He's so smart! I learn the most random, useful things from him every single day. Like, did you know that cows will lie down when it's going to rain? (haha)
-He does THE cutest things. (ie, random dance moves, bursts into song, perfect impressions of anyone and everyone you can think of, etc.)
-He's so passionate about things he likes, such as fish, plants, pit bulls, music, etc.
-He loves his daughter more than anything in the world. (Plus, she's super cute too!)
-He takes longer to get ready every day than I spend in the shower in a week, and I spend a lot of time in the shower in a week. (Ok, so most of the time it annoys me, but I love that I know, no matter what, he's going to be an hour late.)
-His laugh when I tickle him.
-The way he looks at me when he thinks I've done something really cute.
-The fact that he is the most genuine and trustworthy person that I know.
Wow, I just realized how super cheesy this post is. Haha, well, hopefully it embarrasses him, at least a little bit. :)
P.S. If any of you see him, will you remind him how handsome he looks... WITHOUT a beard? I miss his face, literally. ;)
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
I like this. It may be cheesy but that's a must when you adore someone. Plus, it makes me happy to know that he is good to you and alwaysmakes you laugh. That is one of the most important things!