So... we'll do a little montage. Well, the opposite of a montage actually.
I honestly don't know where this one came from. But lately, like the last 4-5 months, I've noticed it. Jaymeson and I have found countless spiders in that dirty, old, condo he was living in. One time, I was at the condo waiting for him to get off work, and of course it took longer than expected, and I spotted a spider from across the room. It was HUGE, and black, and had white spots on it's butt. Of course, I freaked out and called him and told him to hurry home. He then preceded to freak me out by telling me not to go anywhere near a spider that looked like that. So. I stood. In the middle of his living room for at least an hour, staring down the spider and watching it's every move until Jaymeson came home. Once he got there, he took one look at it, grabbed a glass from the kitchen and claimed that he could see the babies in the spider's stomach and felt bad, so he took it outside and let it go. I would have preferred he just killed it, but don't tell him I said that.

These next 3 kind of all fall under the same category: The Unknown.
First, we have Dark Water

Next, we have Windows. At night.
Windows freak me out. I'll spare you the same fear of windows by not telling you the story that started this... but I want you to just imagine a cold, rainy night, walking up to the window to look outside, pressing your face and hands up against the glass (because that's the only way to see out of windows at night), and just as your face hits that glass, you meet eyes with a strange man on the other side of the window who has his face pressed up against the window trying to look inside. Yikes.
And last, but definitely not least... Masks....
FREAK ME OUT. I absolutely love haunted houses and scary movies and the thrill of being scared, but I cannot stand masks. I hate not knowing who's on the other side. I'll leave it at that.
On a more serious note... not being able to get pregnant.
I don't really know why, but I have always had this fear that I wouldn't be able to have children of my own. I have pretty strange periods, and have had problems with ovarian cysts in the past, and it would be just my luck to not be able to have children of my own. All I want is just to hold my babies and to watch them grow and see what they'll look like. I can only imagine how it would feel to love your own child. Luckily, if this is the case for me, I am already ready and excited to adopt children. In fact, I plan on adopting children anyways after I'm done having my own. So maybe it won't be so bad. I just know that I get the best feeling ever when I think about my children looking down on me in Heaven, just waiting for me to be ready for them to join me on Earth. I can't wait! :)
Up next! Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
This post gave me the shivers. We definitely share some fears. :)